isang iseng

pengen posting tapi bingung mau posting apa hahahhahahhaah
mending gue tulis sesuatu ajaa yaaaa..

Ten 2 Five - A Brand New Day

A brand new day for you and me
In this place as husband and wife
We'll be holding on till we grow old, together, forever and ever
I promise you, I'll please you with my endless love and passion
and I will never leave you

This is a journey that will never end
We'll have our children named Jeremy and Felicia(gue pengenya joko sama siti gimana donk??hahha)
We'll have a beautiful house
With a bench and apple tree
I know it sounds too much
But this is a brand new day

ini lagunya ten 2 five(oh well,gie gue udah tau gue kan udah baca diatasnya) yaa gue hanya sekedar memberi tahunya lagi heheheh.ini lagu enak loohhh agak agak gimana gitu gue suka aja denger ini lagu hehehehheheh gue denger ini lagu pas lagi nemenin kaka gue lg beli baju di orange(yap gue perjelas kaka gue bukan gue) tiba tiba dari speakernya diputerin deh tuh nih lagu hahhaha gue ama kaka gue yang satu lagi bengong sambil bilang "enak yaa" hahahhahah..



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